Reviewing the Online Program by K5 Learning has been a lot of fun for my daughter. We don’t do a lot of work on the computer (if you read my blog, you already know that …), because I just feel like she is still very young for the computer screen. But a few days a week while the littles nap we have been enjoying doing K5 Learning on my laptop together. And man, has it been a great experience!
What it is
K5 Learning’s Online Program is a supplement to any education program. An account is good for up to 4 students, and allows parental and separate student accounts. This is an online reading and math program for grades K-5. Students take placement assessments which allows them to work at their own level and at their own pace through a personalized program of reading and math lessons. Each lesson also has a corresponding worksheet for extra practice and understanding.
Included are lessons in:
- Reading– phonemic awareness, phonics, sight words, vocabulary, & reading comprehension
- Math– numbers & operations, measurement, geometry, data analysis, algebraic thinking
- Spelling– advanced spelling and vocabulary, adaptive instruction, 150,000 word database
Each subject has lessons that help build foundational skills, confidence, and fluency, as well as independent and interactive learning.
There is an entire library of worksheets (that are great to use with manipulatives) to focus more in depth on different topics. I especially like the looks of the math worksheets that use base ten blocks.
What We Thought and How We Used It
We have explored all of K5 Learning. The spelling has been fun for my daughter; we just started a spelling program a few months ago, and she is enjoying the challenge (she is SO my child …) of spelling words. I *really* like that when she misses a word in the K5 program, even after correcting the error, the word comes back up so she has to respell it correctly a second time! This is good for “muscle memory” so to speak, which outside of learning rule breaker spelling rules, is how we typically learn to spell.
The reading placement assessment was a bit tedious at first, but between each section is a really fun learning video about animals, or another topic that is interesting to kids (and even me). This was really nice, and made the placement test much more enjoyable! The reading lessons are relevant, and because she doesn’t need phonics lessons, are a great help for her in the department of vocabulary and reading comprehension. I would also say the reading comprehension selections are a really nice challenge!
Mostly, we have focused on math, because she has been having a tough time with math facts. At first, she was hesitant to use the K5 math because she had a sense of failure in regards to math facts.
But it wasn’t long before she started asking to do it! This made my heart so happy; K5 Learning has helped her feel successful while also having fun, and actually learning. I like that it has helped her with number fluency, and I can see that fruit! It has made her more confident with numbers in general and that’s important- because that seems to be a BIG hold up with kids and math.
The assessment placed her appropriately; though she scored above first grade level overall in math (she is in K, working mostly on a 1st grade level), the program doesn’t put students more than one level above the grade level assigned by the parent. But if your child finds it too easy or too hard, you can easily email them to have it changed.

the ninja and the toddler learning alongside big sister
Speaking of email- I felt like the communication with the company was definitely personable! It gave me a feeling that I could trust them as a company, and always contact them if I had any problems or questions. *Sometimes with online companies you don’t get this type of customer service, and that is a huge problem- but NOT with K5 Learning* I feel confident in their service!
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