Bible Book Breakdowns {for your homeschool}

Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew
Bible Breakdowns

My kids really enjoy using their Bibles as we do our Bible reading or memory verse work. When my kids are about 7, reading well and able to understand the Bible better, I get them their own Nirv Bible. Teach Sunday School has created dozens of helpful tools for children and adults; we’ve been using their Bible Breakdowns. These are really fun, easy to use, and visibly uncluttered breakdowns of the books of the Bible.

Old Testament Breakdowns

What Are These Bible Breakdowns?

These breakdowns cover each book of the Bible, and are divided into two sections: New and Old Testaments.

Each breakdown includes:

  • summary about the book
  • number of chapters
  • type of book (ex: history, Gospel, Epistle, as well as what category of each type)
  • date written
  • period covered
  • author
  • and an overview of each section of verse-what those verses are about, or what Bible story they pertain to, including not well known stories.
  • most popular verses from that book

How to Use Them

These Bible Breakdowns are going to be perfect for families studying the Bible together; whether during homeschool, bedtime devotional time, or for personal bible time, the breakdowns are helpful for anyone needing more in-depth information for studying their Bible. You can spiral bind them, which is what I plan to do, or hole punch and put in a folder for easy access. We liked using them before our homeschool Bible time, to go over all the specific information about that book of the Bible. It was easy for the kids to understand and helped me explain things without too much over thinking. It’s also great if your family is working through a timeline book, you can easily add the dates of each book and when they were written to your timeline.

The breakdown of Esther looks like this:

Bible Breakdowns Example: EstherBible Breakdowns Example: Esther


I also like that there are spots for you to check off as you go through and read each chapter of that book.

These Bible Breakdowns are so easy to use. My oldest has her own copy, and likes looking through them as she reads her Bible, or when she has questions. I think these are also going to be helpful if you’re reading the Bible on an app; you can keep the PDF version of the breakdowns on your device so you can easily reference them. I like pen and paper, so printing them was my preference.


Teach Sunday School has so many wonderful resources for anyone studying the Bible, doing Bible activities, or looking for information about the Bible for their home, small group, or classroom. Check them out!

New Testament Breakdowns


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